


Zoe, Damacela, 19, didn't have nice clothes when she was young. It wasn't easy for Zoe’s hard-working single mother to make ends meet. They moved in and out of homeless shelters.

Everything changed for Zoe in grade nine. At that time, she heard about a sewing(缝纫) class at her school. She signed up and couldn't wait to turn her designs into clothes. The color of the first dress she made was white-black strips. Soon the clothes she wore were all made by her. Other girls at school loved her designs too. They asked her if they could buy dresses from her. Zoe sold her first dress for $13. Unfortunately, it cost her $25 to make the dress. “I had the creativity in designs," says Zoe. “But I really had no idea about business.”

Zoe kept selling the clothes she designed. Her business was booming, and even the girls who had ever teased her became her customers. In the eleventh grade, Zoe took a business class. She learned how to price her clothes so that she could be sure to make a fair profit.

Her business teacher suggested she take part in a contest for teenaged entrepreneurs (企业家). The contest was for teens from all over the United States. Zoe sent in her business plan, which explained how she planned to make her company grow. She won the second prize in the end. Zoe ’s success became a news item. Supermodel Tyra Banks heard about it and she invited Zoe to take part in her TV show. “Being recognized I felt really unreal,”says Zoe. Zoe has advice for teens who want to start their own business. “If you really work hard on it, you will be able to make it happen,” she says. “If I can do it, anyone else can.”

小题1:We can learn that ______when she was in grade nine.


A.Zoe had no interest in designing clothes

B.Zoe seldom wore her self-made clothes

C.Zoe didn' t know how to make money

D.Zoe attended a business course小题2:After winning the contest, Zoe ______

A.considered it a reward

B.expected to be known

C.was proud of her own gift

D.could hardly believe it小题3:Zoe advised the teens ______ .

A.to make efforts to achieve their dreams

B.to design and make their own clothes

C.to try every means to become famous

D.to do whatever they would like to小题4:What is the main idea of the passage

A.How Zoe learned to design clothes.

B.A poor girl achieved success in business.

C.How Zoe got a prize in a contest.

D.A poor girl was invited to a TV show.








小题1:细节理解题。根据But I really had no idea about business.”她当时不知道如何挣钱,故选C。

小题2:细节理解题。根据Being recognized I felt really unreal,”says Zoe.她不相信自己获奖是真的,故选D。

小题3:细节理解题。根据Zoe has advice for teens who want to start their own business. “If you really work hard on it, you will be able to make it happen,” she says. “If I can do it, anyone else can.”Zoe建议其他的同龄人也可以通过努力实现自己的梦想,故选A。






