



1. because(因为):表示原因或理由。

例句:Because it was raining, he decided to stay indoors.(因为下雨了,他决定呆在室内。)

2. since(既然):表示原因或理由。

例句:Since it is getting late, we should leave now.(既然天色已晚,我们应该现在离开。)

3. as(由于):表示原因或理由。

例句:As the plane was delayed, we missed our connecting flight.(由于飞机延误,我们错过了转机航班。)

4. seeing that(既然):表示原因或理由。

例句:Seeing that you are interested in this topic, let me give you some more information.(既然你对这个话题感兴趣,我就给你更多信息。)

5. considering that(考虑到):表示原因或理由。

例句:Considering that you have a lot of experience in this field, we believe you are the best candidate for the job.(考虑到你在这个问题上有很多经验,我们认为你是这个工作的最佳人选。)

6. on account of(因为):表示原因或理由。

例句:On account of his hard work, he was promoted to manager.(因为他努力工作,他被提升为经理。)

7. owing to(由于):表示原因或理由。

例句:Owing to the heavy rain, the match was postponed.(由于大雨,比赛被推迟了。)

8. due to(因为):表示原因或理由。

例句:Due to the traffic jam, I was late for the meeting.(因为交通堵塞,我迟到了会议。)

9. thanks to(多亏了):表示原因或理由。

例句:Thanks to his guidance, I passed the exam with flying colors.(多亏了他的指导,我以优异的成绩通过了考试。)

10. in view of the fact that(鉴于事实):表示原因或理由。

例句:In view of the fact that she has no experience in this field, we think she might not be suitable for this job.(鉴于她在这个领域没有经验,我们认为她可能不适合这份工作。)


1. 使用 because 来表达直接的原因关系。例如:I stayed at home because it was raining outside.(我呆在家里是因为外面下雨了。)

2. 使用 since 来表达时间上的原因关系。例如:He hasn't been to school since yesterday because he was sick.(自从昨天他生病以来,他一直没去上学。)

3. 使用 as 来表达转折或对比的原因关系。例如:As a student, I prefer studying online rather than attending classes in person.(作为一名学生,我更喜欢在线学习而不是亲自上课。)

4. 使用 seeing that 来表达条件或假设的原因关系。例如:Seeing that you are busy, I won't bother you with my request.(既然你很忙,我就不打扰你了。)

5. 使用 considering that 来表达让步或建议的原因关系。例如:Considering that he is new to the company, we should give him more time to adapt to the environment.(考虑到他是公司新来的员工,我们应该给他更多的时间适应环境。)

6. 使用 on account of 来表达结果的原因关系。例如:The concert was cancelled on account of bad weather.(音乐会因恶劣天气而被取消。)

7. 使用 owing to 来表达间接的原因关系。例如:The delay was caused by a technical problem with the train engine.(延迟是由于火车引擎的技术问题引起的。)

8. 使用 due to 来表达直接的原因关系。例如:The game was postponed due to a power outage.(比赛因停电而被推迟了。)

9. 使用 thanks to 来表达间接的原因关系。例如:Thanks to his help, I was able to finish the project on time.(多亏了他的帮助,我得以按时完成项目。)

10. 使用 in view of the fact that 来表达让步或假设的原因关系。例如:In view of the fact that he is very busy now, we should try to contact him later.(鉴于他现在非常忙,我们应该稍后再联系他。)

